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Explore the Lombax City, Find the Lombax Ship Parts, and Repair the Lombax Ship are missions in Tools of Destruction, taking place in the lombax ruins on Fastoon. Ratchet and Clank discovered the map coordinates to a lombax planet while exploring the Hall of Knowledge, and quickly fled Stratus City in an escape pod.


Explore Lombax City[]

The first mission is to explore the ruins, but it doesn't take long. Begin by visiting the weapons vendor and upgrade your weapons using raritanium upgrades. The Tornado Launcher may still be too expensive at this point, and is not necessary for this mission.

Use the nearby versa-target and Swingshot across the canyon to reach the crashed ship, which triggers a cutscene.

Find the Lombax Ship Parts[]

The mission objective is to find and acquire all six lombax flight components scattered throughout the ruins. The ruins are currently occupied by reptilian aliens known as nanophytes. There are two types of nanophytes: the red ones known as clubber nanophytes who wield clubs, and the yellow ones known as bomber nanophytes who throw toxic bombs. They can also emerge in large numbers from alien spawn pods that dig out of the ground. All your weapons will be useful against these enemies, though the Combuster will struggle, as it is only effective against lone nanophytes even when fully upgraded.

For the first component, start at the airship and head toward the platform it faces. This path is linear and includes a single spawn pod, along with a few clubbers and bombers. Afterward, zipline back down and approach the building on your right. Enter the pool inside and use the Hydro-Pack to navigate through the water and the simple cave system until you find the next component, as well as a raritanium chest. Behind the chest, there is a fragile wall that can be destroyed, providing an easy shortcut back to the ruins. Deal with the nearby enemies on your right, including another spawn pod, and then climb the tower in the center to find another component, a jackpot crate, and a chest. Make sure to break the crate before opening the chest, and then zipline to another large stack of crates.

If you have time, you can run all the way to the other side of the ruins near your ship to find another chest and more boxes. Along this side of the ruins, there is a grav-ramp guarded by more nanophytes and another spawn pod. Use your Gravity Boots to enter the grav-ramp passage and deal with the large group of clubbers inside to reach the fourth component. Once outside, keep the cliff wall on your left and approach the group of nanophytes near the edge of the canyon. They will be reinforced by another spawn pod.

Beyond this group, there is another versa-target that leads to a separate area behind the ruins. Restock on ammunition if needed before crossing the canyon. Approaching the nanophytes in this area triggers the appearance of two alien spawn pods, which will require significant firepower to overcome. Towards the end of the fight, the doors at the nearby staircase will open, and a large group of clubbers will join the fight. After defeating all the nanophytes, collect the fifth component and return to the main plaza using a meteor pad.

With all five components collected in the ruins, approach the passage that was ignored earlier, located to the left of the building with the cave system. This area requires you to send Clank alone into a raritanium mine for the mission "Search the Mine".

Repair the Lombax Ship[]

After collecting all the components, approach the ship to trigger another cutscene, which technically marks the end of the mission. After the cutscene, speak to the Aphelion to learn more about the history of the lombaxes, Emperor Tachyon, and the cragmites and drophyds. Eventually, the conversation will lead to the Holo-Vite you received earlier, initiating the mission "Find Qwark", which requires you to travel to planet Mukow. Travel there now and prepare for an ambush by space pirates in the mission "Battle the Space Pirates".
