Find Phase Quartz is a mission in Rift Apart. After Rivet and Clank got in contact with Ratchet, Clank asked if the planet Blizar Prime existed in Rivet's dimension, knowing that it would be home to the rare phase quartz crystal that could be used to build a Dimensionator. They are lucky to learn the planet did exist, and as such, Rivet and Clank traveled to Blizar Prime to find it while Ratchet searched for the blueprints. However, on arrival, they found it destroyed, and needed to hop between Rivet's dimension and another dimension where the site was still active.
In addition to this mission, the optional mission "Find the Missing Chef" is also available on the planet. At the same time, the mission "Find the Dimensionator Blueprints" is available on Savali.
Completing this mission will unlock the bronze trophy Find Phase Quartz.
Head to the Mining Hub[]
On arrival at Blizar Prime, the low gravity around the planet's ruins mean Rivet's jumps are higher and last longer. To begin the mission, hit the blizon crystal with the hammer to travel to another dimension, where the mines are active, and the gravity returns to normal. In addition, several toxic crabs appear. These are durable enemies that attack by leaping forward with their pincers. As with similar medium-sized melee enemies, the Topiary Sprinkler is effective in slowing them, and ranged weapons such as the Negatron Collider, Ricochet, or Drillhound. can defeat them at a distance before they get too close. Defeat them and head into the mines.
Inside the mines, Mrs. Zurkon sells weapons, providing an opportunity to upgrade weapons and purchase any yet to be acquired. After doing so, hit the blizon crystal in here to return to Rivet's dimension, commencing a cutscene as Rivet meets a stranger. Follow the mag surface path in front, using the instructions to leap to the further surface, and then follow the path forward through debris. Nefarious Troopers with gattling guns appear, capable of firing rapid-fire lasers at range, and should be destroyed with a ranged weapon before proceeding. At the end, another crystal can be used to travel to the other dimension.
Interact with the terminal to override the lockdown, then head out onto a path to fight several lava puffoids. These are small swarmer enemies that will hop towards Rivet, and can be defeated using weapons such as the Enforcer, the Lightning Rod, and the help of Mr. Fungi. After following the path up to the ridge, a short cutscene commences as Goons-4-Less Vroom Goons, which use helicopters appear. The helicopters fire lightning that sweeps across the ground, which must be jumped over, while firing at the helicopters with ranged weapons. Some Goons-4-Less then appear on foot, along with the robomutts, which can be dealt with using the usual means.
When the Goons are defeated, use the floatng platform to head down into the mining hub. Around here, "Find the Missing Chef" can also be attempted. Ms. Zurkon also appears here, and at the end on the west end of the hub, a safety lift travels to the old mining site where the chief engineer is found at the survey station. Upon reaching them, a cutscene commences, leading to the next objective.
Locate the Science Bots[]
After talking to the engineer, head out to a series of rocky islands and plateaus, where toxic crabs are fought throughout. The bots can be found one-by-one on a fairly linear by following the waypoint markers. The first, B.O.B., can be found in the Rich Blizon Deposit on the southwest end of the map in a cave. After finding him, Rivet will fall to a cave below. Hit the blizon crystal at the end to enter the other dimension, where some Nefarious Troopers are found along a mag surface path, and should be destroyed with ranged weapons before they engage Rivet. A blizon crystal is found again at the end of the path, which can be hit to return to the other dimension, returning the Science Bot.
The second bot is J.I.M., located in the research facility in the west end. Defeat the Goons-4-Less and robomutts outside then enter, to find a blizon crystal get destroyed, and another behind it located behind safety glass. Hit the one in the room to the right to go to the other dimension, then head forward and jump through the broken safety glass to hit another blizon crystal, where J.I.M. is found. Leave the facility once he is acquired, defeating the Goons-4-Less and the Vroom Goon that appear on the way out.
The third bot, S.A.M., is located in the abandoned site on and island in the northwest side. From the facility, head to the top and hit the blizon crystal to cross a mag surface path to another blizon crystal, returning to the northwest island. After defeating the enemies, the bot can be seen in a platform out in the lava with a destroyed bridge, while two blizon crystals are connected by a bridge on the left. Run to the furthest blizon crystal (further west on the map) and use the hammercrank to move the blizon crystal to the far out platform, then return to the previous blizon crystal and hit it to cross the bridge in Rivet's dimension where S.A.M. is found.
Return to the survey station, where a Displaced Juggernaut and several toxic crabs and lava puffoids appear. The Displaced Juggernaut is identical to previous Nefarious Juggernauts, though the toxic crabs and lava puffoids make it more challenging. Other enemies will not stop coming until after the Juggernaut is destroyed, meaning it is the primary target. The Topiary Sprinkler can be used to slow enemies down while focusing on the Juggernaut, though the enemies should still be cleared out before they overwhelm Rivet. To this end, weapons such as the Negatron Collider and Lightning Rod, which can hit multiple enemies at once with ease, are beneficial in attacking the Juggernaut while defeating them.
Repair the Anomaly[]
After defeating the Juggernaut, follow J.I.M. to the phase quartz extracting drill. After boarding the safety lift, a dimensional anomaly appears in the mining hub, which Clank must fix.
In the first Meta-Terminal:
- Grab the Heavy Sphere, a white sphere in the top-left, and use it to weigh down the floating platform in the top right. On here, another Heavy Sphere can be found.
- Throw the second Heavy Sphere on the saw behind it to destroy a wall that blocks the path forward.
- Pick up the Heavy Sphere and return to the first pad the Clank possibilities run over on the start of the path, to stop them from being pushed off by the fan. Stand on the blue button nearby for the possibilities to reach the end goal.
At the second Meta-Terminal:
- Hop on the ascending and descending platform to grab a Lift Sphere behind it, then return to the platform and throw it on a pad in front of a tower to grab a Heavy Sphere.
- From where the Lift Sphere was found, throw the Heavy Sphere at the floating platform nearby, then throw the Lift Sphere at the presser in front, and grab the Speed Sphere from it.
- Throw the Speed Sphere at the first pad on the central path, then throw the Lift Sphere on the pad behind it, and the Heavy Sphere on the saw behind that. This causes the Clank possibilities to run forward and leap over it to the end goal.
At the third Meta-Terminal:
- Grab the Heavy Sphere first and use it on the saws on the top-left to grab the Lift Sphere, then throw it at the presser on the right to grab the Speed Sphere.
- On the possibilities path, throw the Lift Sphere at the first pad to allow them to jump over some fans, the Speed Sphere on the second to speed them up, and the Heavy Sphere on the final pad to allow them to reach the goal undeterred.
Drill for Phase Quartz[]
Upon fixing the anomaly, Rivet can use the hammercrank to unclog the hydraulics supply lube tube. After doing so, the elevator to the drill can be found. Climb it and defeat the Vroom Goons that appear, then jump on the grind rail in front. On the grind rail, it is necessary to hit blizon crystals along the way to hop to the other dimension when the track ends. In some cases, adjacent tracks can be hopped to to smash crates, though the only times a crystal is needed are if the rail comes to an end.
Rivet will then reach the drill. Use the hammercrank to activate it, after which a variety of Goons-4-Less enemies of different types appear. Blocks of cover can be used around the area while firing at them with ranged weapons. Later, phase quartz will appear within the drill, and must be knocked out, at which point Rivet will be taken to the other dimesion. Here, Nefarious Troopers are fought, and should be defeated using similar strategies. Hit the blizon crystal to return to the intact dimension.
In the intact dimension, the objective is to stop the drill. Defeat the Goons-4-Less who appear, and eventually, a Goon Dropship will arrive, a flying boss that will fire lasers sweeping across the ground. Many boxes and other parts of the environment can be used as cover from the lasers, before stepping out to fire ranged weapons at it. Destroying it will complete the mission.
Completing the mission unlocks "Mend the Broken Phase Quartz" on Torren IV. Before leaving, it may be best to complete "Find the Missing Chef" on Torren IV first. The Glove of Doom also becomes available from Ms. Zurkon; this weapon throws a DoomEgg that deploys several Agents of Doom, which follow Rivet (or Ratchet) and attack enemies nearby in melee range. Both it and the Void Repulser are great defensve choices against different circumstances: the Glove of Doom against melee enemies and overwhelming waves, and the Void Repulser against powerful projectiles from enemies' ranged attacks, meaning that the choice of purchase comes down to player preference and which the player is having more difficulty with.