Fight some robots is the first mission in Size Matters, taking place in the Jowai Resort, Pokitaru. While relaxing on a beach in the resort, Ratchet and Clank were approached by a little girl named Luna, asking them to pull off some heroic moves for her school report on heroes. While the two were reluctant at first, Ratchet decided to show her what they were made of.
Ratchet begins on the beach, where breakables can be found including chairs and bolt crates. Follow Luna through the area, and listen to the instructions she gives Ratchet. Head up the small path left of the Gadgetron vendor, where several blue scuttle crabs are encountered; these can be easily defeated by whacking them with the OmniWrench, but preferably shot with the Lacerator for their experience. After this, approach the high wall. A boost jump should be performed in order to get over the wall (follow Luna's instruction, or Size Matters controls for how to use). Once on the other side, some old training robots are encountered upon first turning the bolt crank. Immediately release it and fight them. Due to their melee attacks, the Lacerator is ideal against these foes; strafe while staying a distance from them to defeat them.
Once the robots are down, turn the bolt crank properly to open up the door. After passing through the door, a stretch jump is required to cross the gap ahead. Next, Luna prompts Ratchet to shoot the target on the gate by entering first-person mode with the Lacerator. Once through, a large waterfall is found and more crabs are encountered. After taking them out, another high jump must be used to reach the ledge above, where more robots are found. Luna will prompt Ratchet to use the Acid Bomb Glove; this is a great choice for defeating multiple enemies clustered together, as its acid will damage enemies above it over time. After defeating the robots, slide down the sandy slope to an area with beach houses where training robots will appear from.
Continue following Luna, fighting more crabs and robots along the beach on the way. This part involves crossing the water to reach a small islet, taking precautions not to fall into the water, or Ratchet will be swallowed alive by a sharkigator. At the end is another bolt crank you must turn to activate the bridge. Along the bridge is the first piece of armor in the game: Wildfire body armor. Continue across the bridge to trigger the a cutscene leading to the next mission; "Rescue the girl!".