Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Fight Lord Vorselon is a mission in A Crack in Time, taking place in Vorselon's warship within the Phylax Sector. While attempting to find a way to escape Lord Vorselon's ship, Ratchet ran into Vorselon himself, who had decided to stop 'Azimuth' personally.


Vorselon has a lot of health, so make sure to have a Mr. Zurkon active at all times for some extra damage while shooting him with your Constructo Pistol, Constructo Bomb, and Sonic Eruptor.

His first attack will be sending forth a stream of energy bolts, which he will fire ahead of you in the direction you are moving towards, so prepare to turn around quickly or jump over them. He can also launch them into the air and cause them to generate multiple electricity spikes on your position, indicated by multiple reticules, so move away when targeted.

He can also turn invisible but only uses this to gain distance from you and attempt to attack you from afar while cloaked. Lastly, when he has taken enough damage, he will use a powerful beam attack that tracks you for several seconds, forcing you to keep moving away from it.

After his defeat, there is only one exit, which leads to the Aphelion, and thus back to space. From here you will have three available missions: "Jump to the Vela Sector", which will immediately lead to "Tour the Great Clock with Sigmund". You can also explore the Phylax Sector, with two missions: "Explore the Moons", and "Seek out Inhabitants for Missions".
