Fastoon is a location in Tools of Destruction, with a small appearance in A Crack in Time and a mention in the Ratchet & Clank comic series. Located in the Cerullean Sector of the Polaris Galaxy, it is the homeworld of the lombax race.[1] After being ravaged by war, the planet is home to the lombax ruins, the derelict remains of a major lombax city containing the Court of Azimuth, occupied by scavengers looking for lombax technology.
Fastoon was the lombax homeworld, and the home of Kaden and Alister Azimuth. It was ravaged by war years prior to Ratchet and Clank's arrival, where Ratchet came looking for the history of his kind. There, the two found Aphelion, which became Ratchet's ship thereafter. When Emperor Tachyon returned to Fastoon with the Dimensionator, he sought to release all of the banished cragmites and fully colonize the lombax homeworld with them. Ratchet and Clank followed Tachyon with their allies, battling his forces and the Emperor himself at the Court of Azimuth.
Before Tools of Destruction[]
The Court of Azimuth was architected by Alister Azimuth, when he was general of the Praetorian Guard.[2]
The lombaxes played a sport named hoverball on Fastoon. After Azimuth taught Kaden how to use hoverboots, Kaden became the captain of his hoverball team, but could not outpace Azimuth.[3]
Hundreds of years prior to events of the comic series, the Surinox Shard passed through the Fastoon stratosphere at over 800 kilocubits per hour. This was used by the lombaxes to manufacture their Dimensionators during the Great War.[4]
Percival Tachyon, after being dug up by trillium miners eons after the Great War, was raised on Fastoon.[5] Upon learning the fate of his race, he set out to enact revenge on the lombaxes and bring the cragmites back. He managed to gain the trust of Azimuth, who then granted him access to lombax technology.[6] Over the years, Tachyon used this to build up his Imperial Army.

Kaden finds his destroyed home after Tachyon's attack.
Tachyon's army then betrayed the lombaxes and attacked Fastoon. His enforcers decimated the city, killing hundreds and causing the lombaxes to take refuge in the Court of Azimuth.[7][6] There, they decided to use the Dimensionator to flee their dimension to their own lombax dimension, in the hope that Tachyon would leave the rest of the galaxy unscathed.[7] The only lombaxes to remain were Kaden, his infant son Ratchet,[7] and Azimuth, who had been exiled for giving Tachyon access to lombax technology.[6]
In the years that followed, the planet was occupied only by scavengers hunting for scraps of lombax technology,[1] including nanophytes that began to inhabit the planet near a lombax raritanium mine in the city housing the Court of Azimuth.
Tools of Destruction[]

Ratchet finding Aphelion on Fastoon.
Clank learned of Fastoon in the Hall of Knowledge map room in Stratus City, Kortog. Ratchet hurried them there through an escape pod, before Clank could inform Ratchet that the database said that Fastoon was abandoned.[8]

Zoni talking to Clank.
In "Find the Lombax Ship Parts", after landing, Ratchet found a damaged Aphelion and procured parts for the ship from around the ruins, fighting off nanophyte scavengers on the way. Partway through, the two received a holo-vite from Captain Qwark.[9] While searching the raritanium mine, the Zoni formally introduced themselves to Clank for the first time, teaching him his ability to manipulate time and to give them commands.[10] After they helped him procure another part, they warned him of the cragmites' eventual return.[11] Ratchet repaired Aphelion, and the ship told him of Tachyon's attack years ago (having few details as to the motivations behind it), before playing Qwark's holo-vite with coordinates to Mukow.[12]
On Reepor, after Tachyon used the Dimensionator to release an army of cragmites, the Zoni gave Clank a vision of Tachyon's return to Fastoon and of Ratchet standing before a portal inside the Court of Azimuth.[13] Clank informed Ratchet of this after they had saved Meridian City, prompting them, Talwyn Apogee, Cronk, and Zephyr to return to Fastoon and stop Tachyon from releasing the rest of the cragmites.

The portal to the lombax dimension.
Tachyon returned to Fastoon with the goal of fully colonizing the lombax homeworld with cragmites. On the planet, the group found Tachyon's Imperial Army already established and entrenched, and destroyed the magna-cannons that Tachyon had set up. In "Enter the Court of Azimuth", Tachyon taunted them from the safety of his imperial cruiser.

Tachyon confronting Ratchet and Clank.
The group chased Tachyon into the Court, where he revealed the past of the lombaxes and opened a portal to the lombax dimension, offering Ratchet a chance to join them instead of die there. Ratchet declined, knowing no one anywhere would be safe with the Dimensionator in Tachyon's possession, prompting a battle. The Dimensionator became damaged during the fight, began malfunctioning, and opened a portal to an asteroid field in an unknown dimension. Ratchet defeated Tachyon there and took the Dimensionator from him, using it to return home.[7]
After Tools of Destruction[]
During A Crack in Time, Clank came across a planet room of Fastoon in Sector Four of the Great Clock (just outside the Orvus Chamber), where Clank fixed the time on the planet to stop the time anomalies there.[14]
In the Ratchet & Clank comic series, Fastoon was one of the planets stolen using the Helios Project by Artemis Zogg, and taken to his Artemis Galaxy, with its inhabitants enslaved and forced to work for sunlight.[15] Following Zogg's defeat, Fastoon was returned.[16]
Some time before All 4 One, Ephemeris raided Fastoon for its native creatures; namely its brakterbeaks, many of which were taken to planet Magnus to be used as host bodies for the loki.
Fastoon is a desert planet, and from space, appears to be mostly barren.[a][b] The surface around the lombax ruins also suggest it is largely covered in rocky mountains around the city, with water reservoirs located beneath caves. Some cacti-like flora are seen growing around the ruins.
The lombax ruins is composed of run-down lombax buildings, with a tall skyscraper towering over the rest of the city. A plaza also reveals a damaged statue with stone cogs around it, showing hints of the city's decorations. Near this plaza is a cave with a waterway inside, and a vast raritanium mine. A distance away from the plaza is the Court of Azimuth, a large courtroom building architected by Azimuth.[2]
The planet's wildlife included pterodactyl, as well as various breeds of brakterbeak, which include; the forest dwelling brakterbeak, camouflaged brakterbeak, and primordial brakterbeak.
Behind the scenes[]

Concept art.
The final scene at the Court of Azimuth in Tools of Destruction was changed throughout the story as Brian Hastings, Brian Allgeier, and T.J. Fixman of Insomniac Games had several meetings over the course of production. The story originally involved Talwyn stealing the Dimensionator and giving it to Tachyon in the hopes of saving her father, Max Apogee. Fixman rewrote the script so that Tachyon had released the cragmites earlier in the story and the final act was to stop him from bringing back the rest of them. The idea of opening a portal to the lombax dimension came between the second and third draft as a way of illustrating the sacrifice Ratchet was making in destroying the Dimensionator.[17]
In A Crack in Time there is a trophy called Fastoon Warrior.
- ↑ It is unknown if the planet is a desert planet as a result of Tachyon's attack, or if it was this way prior to being war-ravaged.
- ↑ Fastoon resembles Veldin, Ratchet's home in the Solana Galaxy, in terms of being a desert planet. The architecture on Fastoon is also vaguely reminiscent of the architecture seen on Veldin.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Tools of Destruction menu § "Planet Fastoon"
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Miller 2009
- ↑ A Crack in Time script § "Master the Hoverboots (gameplay)"
- ↑ Lost and Spaced, p. 6
- ↑ Tools of Destruction script § "A Vision of Talwyn"
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 A Crack in Time script § "The Fall of the Lombaxes"
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Tools of Destruction script § "Find Tachyon (gameplay)"
- ↑ Tools of Destruction script § "Explore the Lombax City (gameplay)"
- ↑ Tools of Destruction script § "Find the Lombax Ship Parts (gameplay)"
- ↑ Tools of Destruction script § "Search the Mine (gameplay)"
- ↑ Tools of Destruction script § "The Cragmite Prophecy"
- ↑ Tools of Destruction script § "Repair the Lombax Ship (gameplay)"
- ↑ Tools of Destruction script § "He Will Need You on Fastoon"
- ↑ A Crack in Time script § "Fastoon Planet Room"
- ↑ Lost and Spaced, p. 4
- ↑ Bros Before Foes, p. 19
- ↑ Tools of Destruction script § "Story"
- Video games
- Insomniac Games (2007). Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction [Game]. Sony Computer Entertainment. PlayStation 3.
- Insomniac Games (2009). Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time [Game]. Sony Computer Entertainment. PlayStation 3.
- Bibliography
- Fixman, TJ (2010). Ratchet & Clank (Issue 3: Lost and Spaced) [Book]. Wild Storm.
- Fixman, TJ (2011). Ratchet & Clank (Issue 6: Bros Before Foes) [Book]. Wild Storm.
- Websites
- Miller, Greg (2009, May 29). "Pre-E3 2009: Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time Lombax-Lovin'". From IGN. Archived from the original on June 13 2023.