Ratchet & Clank Wiki
Eye of Infinity promo render

The Eye of Infinity.

The Eye of Infinity is an item in Secret Agent Clank. It is the largest, most pristine gem in the known universe,[1] held in a glass case in the Boltaire Museum of the Solana Galaxy, heavily protected by many security lasers.

Ratchet stole the Eye of Infinity while being mind controlled by Klunk. Klunk intended to use it as a refractor for a satellite laser that could destroy every planet in Solana, so that he could dismantle it himself and frame himself as a hero while Ratchet was framed as a villain.[2] After it was stolen by Ratchet, still under mind control, he broadcast a message that it had been taken to where no one could find it, prompting the Agency to send Clank to investigate it.[1]

Bad Science 2

The Kingpin holding up the Eye.

The Eye was first taken to Number Woo on Asyanica, tracked by Clank finding a fortune cookie from Asyanica at the crime scene.[3] It was then taken to Ivana Lottabolts on Glaciara, as Number Woo had been ordered to,[4] and she then had an associate transport it to the Kingpin (Klunk in disguise) on Rionosis. From there it was taken through Le Paradis Des Tricheurs Casino and bet on in a rigged card game;[5] no one was expected to win, and so the gem was already taken back to the Kingpin, its "rightful owner", on Venantonio, even after Clank won.[6]

Sucks to be Klunk 1

Qwark noticing the Eye shortly before the laser would be activated.

The Eye was later attached to the satellite laser controlled from Klunk's base on Hydrano, and put in a position where the laser could destroy every planet. As well as have Ratchet broadcast a message threatening this, Klunk also had a timer for the laser himself, so that in the event Clank defeated Klunk, the galaxy would be destroyed anyway.[7] However, Clank defeated Klunk, and Captain Qwark removed the Eye of Infinity, destroying the satellite laser. After it was stopped, Clank then brought the gem back to the museum.[8]

