Ride the hovercar and Explore the miniature city are missions in Size Matters, taking place on Challax. Upon tracking Luna's coordinates to the planet, Ratchet and Clank were initially confused when they landed, seeing the planet they landed on was a barren desert wasteland with no technomites in sight. However, Clank spotted a small hovercar which, after using the Shrink Ray, took them to the Technomite City.
Defeating the dropship will unlock the silver trophy Technomite Drop Shipping.
After landing on Challax, before using the hovercar to travel to the Technomite City, check out the Ultra-Mech Pad for the "Destroy the space fortress" mission. After entering the city itself, you will immediately find a Gadgetron vendor, where the Sniper Mine and PDA are both available for purchase. The PDA is used to buy ammo from anywhere, while the Sniper Mine is a long-range weapon that must be aimed to fire, but deals significant damage. The PDA is extremely pricey for its functionality and can be saved until later, whereas the Sniper Mine can be useful for this planet, but is also non-essential if low on bolts.
Access the Grind Lock and take the elevator down, then equip the Polarizer and use it on the magnet in front of the luggage. Repeat this with the magnet in the next room, and fight the shock trooper that appears; these enemies are durable but rely on melee attacks, and can be taken down without too much trouble. Slim Cognito's mod vendor is seen immediately after. A few mods provide substantial upgrades for weapons, though they are all very pricey. Consider only purchasing mods for weapons that are not fully upgraded; however, the Double Barrel Mod for the Lacerator is extremely helpful against the boss at the end of this mission.
Out in the streets, more shock troopers are fought alongside a larger technomite electro soldier, a more durable enemy whose electric attacks have a long range, and will electrify the shock troopers, making OmniWrench attacks backfire on you. In groups, the Scorcher, Acid Bomb Glove, Bee Mine Glove, Agents of Doom, and Concussion Gun are more effective. After this, turn the bolt crank ahead and then use the Polarizer to destroy the gate, then proceed forward and defeat the shock troopers here. Once defeated, use the Sprout-O-Matic to direct the mimic plant to the soil nearby, allowing it to create a ladder; several shock troopers will also appear first, so defeat them before directing it. Use the ladder and direct the second mimic plant to another patch of soil, then whack its fruit to knock the Otto Destruct statue, creating a path to a Grind Lock. Enter it for access to the skyscraper nearby.
Inside, after activating the elevator, several enemies will appear. Use the Bee Mine Glove to deal supplementary damage while fighting them off with area-of-effect weapons until reaching the top, where a zipline must be taken. From here, hop across the chimney tops and a technomite dropship appears to fire weapons at you, commencing a chase sequence. Throughout this, run forward across the terrain, avoiding the leaves that the dropship will target. On the spider web, only the brown leaves can be stood on. You must also watch out for the falling pillars that will fall down ahead of you. Continue forward until a Gadgetron vendor is reached with another zipline. Restock on ammo for the next boss battle.
Dropship boss fight[]

The boss fight.
The dropship initially will simply fire its lasers in a sweeping path in front of it, while technomite electro soldiers appear behind barricades on the right. Ignore the electro soldiers as the dropship's own laser will hit them, and the barriers will likely block their own attacks as well. Fire on the dropship with the Sniper Mine or Lacerator, as few other weapons are viable against it. The Sniper Mine can be used by standing as far away from it as possible and aiming, jumping over the lasers in-between rounds, while the Lacerator is best fired up close. Ammo crates spawn frequently to refill ammo. Because its laser only crosses the same path each time, it can simply be jumped over it.
When the dropship reaches lower health, it will stop firing its weapon in a sweeping path, and will instead aim directly at Ratchet, with laser blasts between a few intervals. Jump over each blast, which will track sideways after firing, but beware of the electro soldiers as they will no longer be hit by the dropship.
If the mission is proving challenging, consider purchasing mods for the Lacerator or Concussion Gun. The Lacerator's Double Barrel Mod is extremely helpful for enhancing its damage dealt, while the Lock On Mods for the Lacerator and Concussion Gun are also useful enhancements. Though the PDA can address ammo shortages, this is very inefficient for bolts.
After destroying the dropship, the Electroshock helmet is obtained. Proceed forward for a cutscene, following which, Ratchet and Clank will travel to the Dayni Moon for the next mission, "Catch Luna". The side mission "Win more fabulous prizes" is also available on the planet.