Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Escape from Clank is a mission in Size Matters taking place inside Clank. After Ratchet defeated all the technomites investing Clank, he was advised by Clank's security backup to flee Clank through the mouth before the automatic virus detection program defeated him.


From where the mission begins, run forward dodging the hazards, and several anti-virus nanobots will attack. These are durable but small enemies that attack in melee range, and can be defeated with the Shock Rocket or Bee Mine Glove. Head forward and defeat the others that appear, then use the Polarizer when standing on the large magnet to move to the ceiling. Proceed across to the next one to drop down, dodge the spark that moves across the floor, and then take the grav-ramp, avoiding the hazards, to reach the Gadgetron vendor.

Past the vendor, use the Polarizer again to reach a grav-ramp inside a green room, then again at the end to drop down to a platform. Use the Hypershot forward to another room. Avoid the hazards here and proceed to a floating platform at the end, where the Hypershot will be needed. Use the Hypershot to cross until reaching the other side, where the Polarizer must be used to cross gaps by standing on a magnet platform and using the magnet on the other side of the gap to pull the platform toward it. Defeat the nanobots and reach the hallway at the end.

The hallway leads to another room where the Polarizer magnets must be used to traverse it. First, stand on the platform and use the Polarizer to pull it towards the magnet on the right, then use it to pull towards the magnet closest to the next bridge. Stand on the platform at the end for a more complicated Polarizer task. The platform must be navigated left and right in a zig-zag pattern to avoid the hazards while progressing through. At the end, the Mega-Bomb body armor is obtained, and a slide at the end drops Ratchet outside Clank, leading to a cutscene.

After this, Ratchet returns to the real world in the Dayni Moon. If not already completed, finish all Dayni Moon challenges to get the full set of Mega-Bomb armor and a weapon, the Mootator. Otherwise, travel to Quodrona for the next mission, "Find Otto Destruct".
