Ratchet & Clank Wiki
Ratchet & Clank Wiki
Dimensional Map Archives Ratchet

The Dimensional Map inside the Archives.

The Dimensional Map is a map of all dimensions in existence, created by a Lombax by the name of Mags.


Before Rift Apart[]

The Lombax Council and Ratchet's father Kaden, tasked Mags with creating the Map so that they could find the perfect dimension to hide their race within. He chronicled his progress mapping the dimensions via an audio diary inside objects known as Lorbs and left them in various locations across planet Savali's Urfdah Mesa. Kaden, being the keeper of the Dimensionator; loaned it to Mags for this job and he successfully completed it within one year and three weeks.

When the Lombaxes left to their new dimension, Mags left a copy of the Map inside the Interdimensional Archives on Savali for any Lombaxes that were left behind during the mass migration and marked down where they were going. The original Dimensional Map was presumably taken along with Mags and the Lombaxes to their new dimension. The copy of the Map was kept within the Archives' intradimensional interior, along with the blueprints for the Dimensionator and a vast amount of other catalogued knowledge. In here it rests on a large pedestal and displays numerous holographic viewpoints into all the various dimensions that users can use to search through. The Savali Monks have since become the Map's keepers and kept it secure.

Rift Apart[]

Dimensional Map Pedestal Archives Rift Apart

The Dimensional Map on it's pedestal inside the Archives.

While first heard about in the Lorbs, a copy of the Map is first seen when Ratchet and Kit enter the Archives to make sure the repository of knowledge is safe from the Nefarious Troopers attempting to plunder the planet. Upon the two entering the rift to the Archive's interior, Kit is relieved that the Map is safe and the troopers have not damaged any of it's irreplaceable contents. They acquire the blueprints for the Dimensionator and leave the Map secure after destroying the remaining Nefarious Dropships threatening to destroy the Archives.

Clank Dimensional Map

Clank retrieves the Map from the dimensional anomaly.

Later, Emperor Nefarious acquires the newly built Dimensionator and plans to use it to invade other dimensions. Dr. Nefarious reminds him that finding them wouldn't be easy as it took him years just to figure out the coordinates specifically for Rivet's Dimension. The Emperor however, was already aware of the existence of the Dimensional Map, but had no previous interest in it until now. His forces arrive on Savali and destroy the Archives before Ratchet, Clank, Rivet and Kit can get there, forcing Gary and the monks to hide the Map within a dimensional anomaly to try and keep it out of the Emperor's hands. However with him opening rifts everywhere with the Dimensionator it would only be a matter of time before he finds it, forcing Ratchet and Clank to try and get to it first. Clank succeeds in retrieving it from the anomaly but the Nefariouses are waiting for him. Clank is forced to hand it over after Emperor Nefarious threatens to decapitate Ratchet and send his head to Torren IV. The Emperor then sends them both through a rift to Zordoom Prison and plugs the Map into the Dimensionator, giving him access now to every dimension in existence, which he later uses to first invade Ratchet and Clank's home dimension.

After Emperor Nefarious' defeat in Megalopolis, the Dimensionator is retrieved by Ratchet and the dimensional cataclysm is prevented in thanks to Clank. With the dimensions now safe Ratchet, Clank, Rivet and Kit celebrate their victory and help repair the damages caused by the Emperor. With the location of the Lombax dimension marked by Mags in the Map, Ratchet implies to Rivet that they make a pitstop there first, before they both finally return home to their respective dimensions.

Ratchet Clank Talwyn Dimensional Map

Ratchet, Clank and Talwyn looking through the returned Dimensional Map in the Archives.

In the ending credits of Rift Apart; Ratchet, Clank and Talwyn are seen together inside the Savali Archives where they return the Dimensional Map to it's pedestal. Earlier, whilst standing on a balcony in Monktown, Ratchet comments that he wishes Talwyn could be there to see Savali with him, and so he brings her to the planet here. Ratchet looks into one of the map's holographic viewscreens and sees the Archives' exterior, where Rivet and Kit are seen helping Gary and the monks in fixing the damages caused by the Emperor during his invasion. The Archives here are also shown to be thoroughly repaired and has regained it's defensive walking capability again after the Emperor's attacks disabled it.

Two States[]

Dimensional Map Rift Apart

The Dimensional Map's fragmented state.

The Map seems to have two different states. In the first it floats actively in place with a rotating cylinder at its centre and eight fragmented pieces orbiting around it, similar to a solar system. This is the state it is normally seen in while on it's pedestal inside the Savali Archives. In the Map's second state, the rotating pieces come together with the centre, forming a stationary orb and making it more compact for transport. In this form, it can be inserted into the Dimensionator, allowing the user instant coordinates to all dimensions in existence. Either of the two states seems to still allow users to access it's holographic viewpoints function to look into other dimensions.
