Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Destroy the Hydra Tanks is a mission in A Crack in Time, taking place in Gimlick Valley on planet Morklon. Ratchet and Clank traveled to the battle of Gimlick Valley through a time portal, arriving in the midst of the agorian invasion of a tribe of fongoids. They managed to free the captured chief, Zahn Gribnak, and now needed to contend with the remaining agorian invasion force.


Two elite hydra tanks are dropped in the midst of the battlefield you cleared out in the previous mission. An accompanying horde of agorian phalanxes will charge across the bridge, supported by hunters from the rear. Defeat all agorian infantry before engaging the first hydra tank, which functions almost identically to the ones encountered in the Agorian Battleplex.

The main differences are that they can lift off into the air and drop down again, generating a shockwave, and when they become shielded they will also generate only a single shockwave, rather than multiple continuously. Defeating both hydra tanks should be relatively easy, having fought them before in the arena, as they are not much tougher either. You can also use Time Bombs to trivialize their potential threat level temporarily.

Commander Argos will now threaten to destroy the Erundai Floodgate entirely, with the first step in stopping him starting with the mission "Plant the Vine Seeds".
