Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Defeat the Kerchu Guardian is a mission in Tools of Destruction, taking place in kerchu fortress on Jasindu. Ratchet and Clank made it into the inner city to look for the Dimensionator, but encountered a team of kerchu operating the kerchu mechwrecker defending the device.


For this particular bossfight, if you happen to die later on, you will need to repeat the initial grind rail section. This section takes approximately eighty seconds and involves jumping to avoid gaps, fire, electrified rings, and missiles. Once you complete it, you will automatically land on the underside of a large walkway known as the grav-ramp, where you will face off against the formidable mechwrecker.

The mechwrecker possesses different attacks depending on where you choose to engage it. If you opt to fight it on the upside-down grav-ramp, the mech will generate large shockwaves by smashing the walkway and launch swarms of missiles that embed themselves into the walkway. Additionally, if you manage to inflict enough damage, the mech will destroy parts of the walkways. While you can return fire in this position (except for the Nano-Swarmers, as they fall "upwards"), the limited maneuverable space severely restricts your options for evading its attacks.

However, if you decide to jump over the edge, you will automatically flip and safely land on the ground below, near the mech's threads. Down here, the mech will only spawn numerous kerchu rollers and occasionally smash one of its wrecking balls into the floor, generating a large shockwave. The extra space to move around in makes it relatively easy to avoid both the rollers and the shockwave attacks. Additionally, you can use blue meteor pads to flip yourself back onto the walkway above.

To defeat the mechwrecker, the most effective weapons are the Alpha Disruptor, Negotiator, and Nano-Swarmers. The Shard Reaper and Buzz Blades are also viable options, as well as the Pyro Blaster if you have enough Longer range upgrades to safely approach the mech. In case you run out of ammo, resort to other powerful V5 weapons to bring it down.

Once you have defeated the boss and watched the subsequent cutscene, you can return to your ship using a teleporter and proceed to the next mission, "Infiltrate Slag's Fleet," in Ublik Passage. If not already complete, "Search the Gel Facility" can be done before leaving the planet.
