These are Clank challenges on the Farming Cooperative of the Dayni Moon available to Clank as part of the optional mission "Win more fabulous prizes". These challenges are a good source of bolts, as well as two armor pieces. Winning all challenges also unlocks the Mootator.
The armor rewards are replaced with 5,000 bolts in challenge mode.
Type | Challenge | Description | Prizes in bolts | |
First | Second | |||
Destruction Derby | Welcome to Dayni | The arena combat on Dayni is fierce! Smash your way to the top of the ladder! | 1,000 | 250 |
Round Up! | Destruction Derby torsos aren't the only thing you can fight here on Dayni... | 2,000 | 500 | |
Variety Is Shocking | Face off against a variety of contenders, using your trusty Electro Torso. | 3,000 | 750 | |
Tom Sawyer | It's you, alone in your trust Saw Torso against Dayni's finest. | 4,000 | 1,000 | |
Smasherbot Returns! | You, Smasherbot, and bales of hay... who will be the last one standing? | 5,000 | 1,250 | |
Gadgebot Toss | HAY-re We Are! | Goals to win: 5 It's time for Gadgebot Toss — Dayni style! |
1,000 | 250 |
Tri-bomb Tournament | Goals to win: 8 Cheating's a traditional part of the Tri-bomb Tournament... overcome your foes with decisive use of bombs and punches! |
2,000 | 500 | |
A-rooouund the Bend | Goals to win: 5 Dodge the spinning floors, circumnavigate the walls, and avoid the bouncers to score. Oh, and do it all before your opponents can... |
3,000 | 750 | |
The Thin Bouncy Line | Goals to win: 6 The line must be drawn here! Get through the bouncy spheres, before your enemies get to you! |
4,000 | 1,000 | |
The Ultimate Showdown | Goals to win: 8 This... is the ultimate showdown... of ultimate destiny. Let your Gadgebots fly true! |
Mega-Bomb gloves | 1,250 | |
Gadgebot Survival | Two's A Crowd | You must fill both Gadgebot houses to win. | 1,000 | 250 |
Reverse Into Victory | Three Gadgebot houses, two directions, only one way to win. | 2,000 | 500 | |
Emergency Bridge | Time to call out the combat engineers. Build a bridge to save Gadgebot lives! | 3,000 | 750 | |
Leap of Faith | What once was gap I now have bridge! | 4,000 | 1,000 | |
Infinite Improbability | The hardest puzzle ever devised in the history of the galaxy... can you beat it, and earn the title of Supreme Gadgebot Survivalist? | Mega-Bomb boots | 1,250 |
Welcome to Dayni[]
Welcome to Dayni is the first Destruction Derby challenge, using a Ram Torso. There are three opponents, where one is a robot using an Electro Torso, one is a robot using aSaw Torso, and one is a robot farmer. Aside from haystacks (which the Ram Torso can destroy) and a single spinner in the middle, there are few obstacles. As with other Ram Torso challenges, the best strategy is to hit the enemy at an angle and take advantage of the reverb to move to safety quickly before ramming again.
Round Up![]
Round Up! is the second Destruction Derby challenge. Clank uses a Spike Torso, a new type of torso which extends spears surrounding it when used. The only opponents fought are three were-sheep in their basic sheep forms, which attack by charging towards Clank. There are no power-ups available, and no other obstacles. It is best to avoid them when they ram, and when they have slowed down, attack them from the sides. Alternatively, extending spears just before they charge into Clank can work, though this requires precise timing.
Variety Is Shocking[]
Variety is Shocking is the third Destruction Derby challenge. Clank uses an Electro Torso against four opponents, each of entirely different types: a Ram Torso, a Saw Torso, a robot farmer, and a were-sheep. There are two nanotech crates, one power-up crate, and a few flame hazards around the arena. Because the enemies all cluster together, it is possible to zap them and hit multiple at once, as the first zap will extend to a nearby enemy. Either way, it is best to keep a distance from them and hit them when in range, while otherwise reversing to avoid their attacks. Against both the sheep and Ram Torso, zapping them can interrupt their charges.
Tom Sawyer[]
Tom Sawyer is the fourth Destruction Derby challenge. Clank uses a Saw Torso against two robot farmers and two were-sheep. Flame hazards dot around the arena and surround the power-up crate, while freeze hazards surround the nanotech crate. As usual, hitting the enemies at an angle is ideal, and an effective strategy is to jump back and forth between the ammo and nanotech crate.
Smasherbot Returns![]
Smasherbot Returns! is the final Destruction Derby challenge. Clank uses a Spike Torso against Smasherbot, this time with no nanotech crate or weapon crates available. Ideally, the best strategy is to hit Smasherbot from behind, where it cannot retaliate, as any other position will put Clank in harm's way upon hitting it. Because of Smasherbot's slow turning rate, it is possible to repeatedly hit the Smasherbot from behind and move faster than it can turn, winning the battle with relative ease. Do beware that the range of its hammers is larger than their actual size, and if you are too slow in moving away from it it will likely hit you.
HAY-re We Are![]
HAY-re We Are! is the first Gadgebot Toss challenge. Five goals are needed to win, and Clank competes against two opponents. The court is fairly wide, with an abundance of haystacks, two bombs, but one goal and one gadgebot. Because of the width of the court, Clank should take advantage of the bombs to knock gadgebots out of opponents' hands and score his own goals easily.
Tri-bomb Tournament[]
Tri-bomb Tournament is the second Gadgebot Toss challenge. Eight goals are needed to win, and Clank competes against two opponents. In addition to three bombs around the court, three barricades are present, each with a goal behind them, as well as a single gadgebot in the center. The areas behind the barricades in front of the goals can get particularly hectic, meaning Clank should take advantage of the bombs often. Have a bomb ready whenever the gadgebot is not possessed, and quickly find and seek out whoever possesses it to then score a goal from them. It is also possible to barely toss a gadgebot into a goal while pressed up against a barricade.
A-rooouund the Bend[]
A-rooouund the Bend is the third Gadgebot Toss challenge. Five goals are needed to win, and Clank competes against three opponents. There are two gadgebots and a single goal, located behind a barricade with several obstacles surrounding the goalpost, facing the opposite direction of the gadgebot. A simple strategy is to simply stand by the goalposts and wait for opponents to arrive, and then punch the gadgebot out of their hand and score immediately.
The Thin Bouncy Line[]
The Thin Bouncy Line is the fourth Gadgebot Toss challenge. Six goals are needed to win, and Clank competes against three opponents. In between the two gadgebots on the end of the court is a line of bouncy spheres running across the middle, as well as a few obstacles and barricades. Much like the previous challenge, the simplest strategy is to wait by the goalpost and punch the gadgebots from the opponents' hands to then throw them. A bomb located near the goalpost can also make this job easy.
The Ultimate Showdown[]
The Ultimate Showdown is the final Gadgebot Toss challenge. Eight goals are needed to win, and Clank competes against three opponents. The court has a full hexagonal setup, with goals located on almost every corner. A gadgebot spawner is located in the center, surrounded by spinning floors, and bombs surround it. Though only a single gadgebot spawner is located, two can be on the field at once. Because of the size of the court, it is unlikely that Clank will be able to stop opponents from scoring entirely, meaning focus should instead be on scoring as fast as possible in order to outpace opponents while dodging their attacks. Only focus on shutting down an opponent with punches if their score is rising quickly.
Two's A Crowd[]
Two's A Crowd is the first Gadgebot Survival challenge. Six of the gadgebots need to be sent into two houses, requiring three each. To achieve this, the first gadgebot should detonate as soon as it hits the wall, allowing the following gadgebots to drop down to the lower track. The next three should each be given the Electrify command to teleport them to the house on the lowest track, while the final gadgebots that follow should be allowed to proceed to the house on the medium track.
Reverse Into Victory[]
Reverse Into Victory is the second Gadgebot Survival challenge. It requires six of eight gadgebots to be sent into three houses, requiring two each. The first gadgebot should detonate as soon as it reaches the wall, allowing the next to drop down. Allow two to proceed across the blue arrows that change their direction before then giving them the Electrify command, sending them into the lower left house. Next, give two gadgebots the Electrify as soon as they land, sending them into the lower right house. The remaining gadgebots will simply walk to the upper-left house if they are given no commands.
Emergency Bridge[]
Emergency Bridge is the third Gadgebot Survival challenge. It requires six of nine gadgebots to be sent into two houses, requiring three each. Each gadgebot should be given the Electrify command as soon as they appear, allowing them to use the first teleporter. Allow three to simply follow the path ahead with no commands, causing them to reach the lower house. Next, set two gadgebots to use the Bridge command as soon as they have teleported, and give all remaining gadgebots the Swing command to allow them to reach the upper house.
Leap of Faith[]
Leap of Faith is the fourth Gadgebot Survival challenge. It requires five of nine gadgebots to be sent into one house. Set the first two gadgebots to Swing, wait until they have dropped to the lowest track, and set them to Bridge. The remaining gadgebots should not swing across the gap, and should instead drop down to the medium level track. The first of these should detonate to create a path to the lowest track, where the bridge that was created by the first two gadgebots will allow the remaining gadgebots to reach the house.
Infinite Improbability[]
Infinite Improbability is the final Gadgebot Survival challenge. Only a single gadgebot is required to be sent to a house, as the rest must be consumed. Set the first gadgebot to Detonate just in front of the swing, allowing the next gadgebot to drop to a lower track. Have this gadgebot use Bridge, allowing the following gadgebot to drop to the track with the blue track to change direction. This gadgebot should then also be set to Bridge, creating a path for the gadgebot after it to reach a teleporter. Set it to Electrify, allowing it to teleport to the top-right of the screen, where it should drop down, and be set to Bridge. Meanwhile, set the next gadgebot to Bridge just in front of the swing, restoring the panel destroyed earlier. The final gadgebot should now be set to Swing, and can safely swing across the gap with a bridge either side giving it room to pass into the house.