Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Cycloids[1], and Ghost Cycloids, are enemies in Deadlocked. They are spinning, hovering Vox Industries machines deployed during DreadZone battlecourses, attacking with one-armed laser cannons. Ratchet fought them first during the challenges on Kronos, and later again on the Valix Belt, Torval, Stygia, as well as several tournaments in the Battledome. The Ghost Cycloid variants were only fought during the "Escape" challenge on the Ghost Station.

Cycloids generally always appear through pods that airdropped from high above, though they can sometimes also be released by dropships. In case of the former they often spawn in large swarms, and as you generally will not know when they appear, have to quickly deal with a large group of enemies capable of long-range accurate laser attacks. Their attacks are slightly telegraphed by a loud whining noise, allowing you some time to dodge it, although the Holoshield Launcher is an effective way to block them out entirely.

Early on the Magma Cannon with the Freeze Mod is an effective way to neutralize larger groups, alternatively the Dual Vipers with the Shock Mod are a cheap option to take them down. In later engagements they cease to offer much of a threat due to low health, making them relatively vulnerable to any weapon, and especially The Arbiter with the Time Bomb Mod can take down entire groups with one shot.


  1. Off 2005, p. 9

