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Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Crushto is a boss in Tools of Destruction. An aquatic creature with cybernetic parts, he is one of the most feared gladiators in the galaxy, and a major contender at Emperor Tachyon's Imperial Fight Festival on planet Mukow.


Before Tools of Destruction[]

Crushto was a creature native to the oceans of Praxus VII, where he was discovered off the coast by a zorpathian fisherman. He was found badly injured with his fins damaged and gills broken. He was given cyborg arms and legs, and made a gladiator at the Imperial Fight Festival, where he became one of its most formidable combatants.[1] He was also endorsed officially by Neofit Astral ice water.[2]

Mr. Zurkon did not like Crushto as he had once lost money on him, presumably on a bet.[3]

Tools of Destruction[]

In "Win the Coliseum Battles", Ratchet and Clank fought him in the challenge "Introducing Crushto", during their visit to the arena to find Captain Qwark. The two won the Heli-Pods gadget for their victory. In a subsequent timed arena challenge, "Return of Crushto", he sought a one minute rematch to achieve his redemption, but was defeated again by the duo.[4]

Later, after Zorthan the Irritable was also defeated in combat by Ratchet and Clank, in "Tag Team", Crushto teamed up with his fellow major contender in a tag team match to regain their honor.[5] The tag team returned for the final challenge, "Everyone Wants a Piece of Mustachio".

After Tools of Destruction[]

In A Crack in Time, whilst Ratchet was competing at the Agorian Battleplex, Crushto was listed among Ratchet's past victories, along with Zorthan, Captain Slag, and Emperor Tachyon.[6]


Crushto is an immense amphibious creature with green skin on its back, with purple stripes. It has cyborg arms and legs, with a mounted rocket launcher on the right, and a triple machine gun on the left. He is an avid enjoyer of tennis, arts and crafts, and sushi.[1]


