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The Constructo Pistol is a Constructo weapon manufactured by GrummelNet Industries in A Crack in Time. This pistol features a customizable trigger, chamber, and an optional additional upgrade, each of which affects its functionality.

The Constructo Pistol can be upgraded to the more powerful but otherwise identical Mega Constructo Pistol at level 5. In challenge mode, it can be further upgraded to the Omega Constructo Pistol for 96,000 bolts.


The Constructo Pistol is a basic one-handed weapon whose appearance varies greatly depending on its equipped modifications.

In addition to modifying the weapon's parts, players can also customize its paint job. By default, the pistol is colored orange with blue effects. The primary, secondary, and trim colors can all be painted, as well as the colors of the weapon's effects. Preset paint jobs include the default style (a grey finish), the Gunmetal style (blue and white), the Spartan Scarlet style (red and black), and the Pacifier style (pink and white).



Constructo Pistol gameplay

The Constructo Pistol in action.

The Constructo Pistol is available immediately at the start of the game. It remains reliable throughout, though it becomes less effective against stronger enemies as more powerful weapons become available. The pistol's performance varies depending on the equipped trigger, chamber, and upgrade, allowing it to maintain versatility across different enemy types, while excelling as a single-target and long-range weapon.


The basic trigger, the Pull Trigger, fires rounds at a medium rate of fire. The Rapid Trigger increases the rate of fire significantly but reduces damage by 20%. The Charge Trigger provides a 20% damage boost and allows the player to charge the weapon by holding the fire button, releasing a powerful blast that consumes four ammo at full charge. Upon acquiring either the Rapid or Charge Trigger, the Pull Trigger becomes largely redundant. Additionally, the Rapid and Charge Triggers increase ammo capacity by 50% and 25%, respectively.

The Rapid Trigger is generally more useful against large waves of enemies, while the Charge Trigger is better suited for taking down larger foes. However, as the Charge Trigger-equipped pistol is outclassed by weapons such as the Plasma Striker and Negotiator, the Rapid Trigger is often the more practical choice.


The chamber affects the type of rounds fired. The basic Coil Chamber fires simple bullets, the Beam Chamber fires faster and slightly stronger (15%) laser beams, and the Blast Chamber fires slower but stronger (25%) explosive rounds. Both the Beam and Blast Chambers make the Coil Chamber largely obsolete.

Additional Upgrade[]

All upgrades increase damage by 20%. The Ricochet Upgrade allows rounds to bounce off surfaces, making it more effective in close quarters and against tightly packed enemies. The Scorcher Upgrade leaves a damage-over-time flame on enemies, making it ideal for larger targets. The Impactor Upgrade causes rounds to explode on impact, slightly increasing the weapon's blast radius. Each upgrade has its own advantages, and the choice of upgrade will depend on player preference.

Mod locations[]

The Constructo Pistol starts with the Pull Trigger and Coil Chamber by default.

Mod Location How to acquire
Charge Trigger Molonoth Fields, Torren IV Inside the Hollow, take the right path and cross the bridge, follow the trail of bolts on the left edge to go around the structure to find the mod.
Rapid Fire Trigger Krell Canyon, Lumos Make your way to the weapons vendor on the isolated pillar in the northern area of the Canyon. Pick up the battery bot, and use the hoverboots to accelerate up a large ramp nearby towards a large vault door. Throw the bot in mid-air into its intended slot to open the door, allowing you to land inside with the mod.
Blast Chamber Zolar Forest, Quantos Can be found during "Locate the Missing Children", while moving through the ruins affected by a time anomaly.
Beam Chamber Phylax Tau Defeat all enemies on the moon.
Impactor Upgrade Agorian Battleplex Complete "The Art of Negotiation" in the Silver Cup.
Scorcher Upgrade Valkyrie Citadel, Vapedia This mod is located outside the fourth tower, where you can also find a lone Zoni. Defeat the valkyries and then go through the northern opening to quickly spot the mod on a nearby platform.
Ricochet Upgrade Nefarious Space Station At the start of the location, move away from your ship and turn left around the rock formation. Move to the edge in front of you and follow a small trail of bolts around a rock formation on your right to the mod.

Behind the scenes[]

The Constructo Pistol appears as a weapon for Ratchet in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.

The Constructo Pistol also appears briefly in the Ratchet & Clank film. Here, at the start of their fight onboard the Deplanetizer, Ratchet equips it when he tells Qwark that he will use force if necessary to take him in. When Qwark taunts Ratchet over the seemingly harmless weapon because of its size, he is then proven wrong when he is hit by an extending boxing glove produced by the pistol.
