Ratchet & Clank Wiki

Bursting blekkos[1] are a strange explosive life-form native to the swamp world of Thram. They vaguely resemble a theropod dinosaur.

Bursting blekkos charge at intruders while inflating a red protrusion on their back. When in range, the creature's red protrusion would then explode, causing massive harm to the intruder. If their primary attack did not kill the intruder and the blekko, they continued to jump and chomp at them until they are killed. They typically attack in pairs, and often hang around swarms of serathoids.

Behind the scenes[]

Bursting blekkos were originally in the Destructapalooza, but were taken out in the end. They supposedly snuck aboard a Thug jet, killing all the Thugs aboard. The Destructapalooza decided to take advantage of them, and gave the a job in the arena.


  1. Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus loading screen hint.