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Battle the Undead Pirates is a mission in Quest for Booty, taking place on Hoolefar Island on Merdegraw. Ratchet had to return to Hoolefar Island to warn Major Worley about the incoming undead pirate raid.


Upon landing on the pier, you only need to approach Major Worley to conclude the "Warn Mayor Worley" mission and immediately continue with "Battle the Undead Pirates". Major Worley will give you your Shock Ravager and Tornado Launcher back as well. The Shock Ravager is strong against melee enemies, whereas the Tornado Launcher is decent against larger pirate groups, although it is rather weak. You might also already have the Magma Combuster and Fusion Bomb, or will be close to that level, which will also help greatly. If you rescued Talwyn, she will be there alongside you; if not, you will have to do it alone.

Battle the Undead Pirates[]

The first buccaneers will rise up out of the seawater at the beach, and they will repeatedly do so in waves. They will also start to include corsairs, as well as cannonfire from Captain Darkwater's ship. Eventually, the hoolefoids will activate the BS-33 Omegatron Defensive Station, which you must use to destroy the ship's cannons. The cannons will open fire one by one, which makes them vulnerable, while Darkwater will launch spectral attacks at you from his deck. Focus on Darkwater's attack first, followed by whichever cannon is vulnerable.

After the cannons are destroyed, you need to return to the Obsidian Eye to stop the corsairs from attacking it. Their defeat will trigger the appearance of a pirate Skull Walker, a large, durable, four-legged mech that relies on twin rapid-fire cannons. The cannons will track slightly upwards when firing, so strafe jump sideways rather than backward. The Skull Walker will also slam itself onto the floor if you get too close. This walker will also head directly to the door and start shooting at it; ignore everything else, which makes it an easy target.

Return to the beach to engage with a group of pirates, which now also include Hot Heads. Hot Heads will attack by launching their head at you, which will then proceed to roll towards you in an attempt to bite. All your current weapons are decent against Hot Heads, so use either. The next wave includes hardy buccaneers; pirates with shields, which can be bypassed by the Shock Ravager and Tornado Launcher. Another Skull Walker will show up, this time focusing solely on you. After the walker, three more Hot Heads appear, and Darkwater's ship will start to open fire again.

Man the turret again and destroy the cannons to finish the mission while watching out for Darkwater's attacks, as he now sends two at the same time.

Find a Translator[]

After stopping the pirate attack, if you did not rescue Talwyn at Morrow Caverns, she will show up now.

Ignore the current mission "Find a Translator" for a moment and dive into the bay and look for the underwater tunnel near the Smuggler. Follow it to find a gate, which you can destroy with the Fusion Grenade, to find the Concussion Detonators upgrade for the Fusion Grenade, which makes it more capable of knocking down foes. Destroy the second gate to find the Voltage Multiplier upgrade for the Shock Ravager, which increases its area of effect on impact.

Now return to the beach to talk to the Smuggler, who can read decadroid, but will require 12,500 bolts. Pay him, completing "Pay the Smuggler to Decode the Map", then complete any other affairs on the island (mainly talking with the Major and other people). Talk to the Smuggler again and travel with him to Darkwater Cove, completing "Travel to Darkwater Cove" and starting "Search for Clues".
