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The Avenger Tournament is the second tournament available to contestants in the combat sports show DreadZone in Deadlocked. It is available after acquiring all four green medals and enough Dread Points from the Marauder Tournament, Catacrom Four, Sarathos, and Kronos. Although the banner for the tournament depicts Shellshock, he already was defeated during the challenges on Kronos. Completing the tournament grants the Avenger rank and armor, as well as access to planets Shaar and Orxon.

The Arbiter will be newly available from the DreadZone vendor, as well as a Wrench Upgrade. The combat bot vendor at Al's also sells an armor and damage upgrade (Go-Comet A) and the Bogo (a grenade launcher). The Shield Link is likely also still available, but if you can purchase anything at all you should acquire The Arbiter, which is a powerful missile launcher.

Note that starting the Avenger Tournament will force you to play all three challenges in order, without being able to use a vendor in between.


Manic Speed Demon[]

In the first challenge you will have ninety seconds to destroy a total of sixty enemies in the standard Battledome arena. Enemies include DZ Berserkers (essentially blue DZ Strikers), Rhyno Swarmers (blue Tri-Spike Swarmer), blue dropships, Blade Balls, and Tremors. The Tremors have a new move in which they jump down and send a narrow directed shockwave in your direction. Otherwise this challenge only serves as an introductory one to the new enemies, even if it is primarily a color change for most.

The Tower of Power[]

This time you must reach the entire other end of the Battledome arena where the Tower of Power is located. The same enemies as previously appear, including Shriekers, with which the match opens. The last enemy to show up prior to clearing the first area is a Reaper, a large area that often appears alone or in pairs that is capable of repeatedly launching large swaths of spikes on your direction. Either take them out in advance with a powerful weapon like the Fusion Rifle or The Arbiter or engage them up close whilst staying on the move to avoid their spikes. Afterwards head for the next chamber, defeating more Shriekers and Tremors on the way there, as well as two more Reapers upon arriving.

The second platform in this chamber is a trap as there will be five massive Beam Turret pre-emptively placed there in advance. There are three in the center and one on either side, so place down Holoshields with the Holoshield Launcher and use your strongest weapons to take them out quickly, as they can take a lot more damage compared to their smaller counterparts. In the final and third room you only need to get rid of a large swarm of Shriekers and a pair of Tremors to finish the challenge.

Climb the Tower of Power[]

Climbing the Tower of Power is more of a platforming challenge rather than straight combat. Start by jumping across the flipping platforms, and then quickly deal with the oversized Beam Turrets at the base of the first tower. They are accompanied by Cycloids, although these should not be a problem. The next set of flipping platforms features two rows side by side, so watch out for the ones blinking red; indicating they will flip. More Cycloids and another turret await you right around the corner of the next pillar, followed by more platforms. The green ones are safe, so use those to rest if need be.

A few Rhyno Swarmers ambush you at the next pillar, after which you must jump across a series of platforms that fall down a short moment after you land on them (indicated by a blue light). Past a few more Cycloids is the final platforming challenge; wait for the center platform to flip over with the right side down, then make your way across, if the timing is right it will flip back up when you get to it. At the top an armored leviathan and Executioner await you. Take them out, preferably by relying on the Freeze Mod, then handle the last few enemies that are dropped in by dropships to finish the tournament.

Completion of this challenge rewards the player character with the Avenger rank, with which they can access Shaar and its challenges, as well as the challenges on Orxon. Before heading to either planet you should also acquire the remaining bot upgrades from Al's vendor.

Dread Challenges[]

Perfect Chrome Finish[]

In "Perfect Chrome Finish" Ratchet must complete seven rounds of combat without taking any damage. Enemies include large amounts of Rhyno Swarmers, Blade Balls, and many Cycloids and Beam Turrets. The first two are a non-issue thanks to the Shock Mod, whereas the latter two are more problematic if you cannot keep up with where they spawn. Both of them have accurate single-target beam attacks and give a short visual warning before attack, giving you a moment to either dodge, get out of range, or throw down Holoshields. Either way keep up with where they spawn using the minimap and take them out as quickly as possible as they are the only real threat to completing the challenge.

Close and Personal[]

In "Close and Personal" Ratchet must complete nine rounds on his own and with only using the OmniWrench. Purchasing the Wrench Upgrade available for this tournament is highly recommended as well. The only enemies encountered are, again, Rhyno Swarmers, Blade Balls, and a few DZ Berserkers and Beam Turrets. The first two are only a threat due to their large numbers, so rely on comet-strikes to keep yourself and them at a distance, using the Charge Boots to flee if need be. Berserkers only appear from dropships, and as there is only one each you will have ample time to take them out with a few well-placed hyper-strikes. The Beam Turrets are the only other problem, forcing you to dodge their attacks to get in close and personal to finish them off with a few hyper strikes.
