Attack-Copters[1] are enemies in Going Commando, with a brief appearance in Up Your Arsenal. They are Thugs-4-Less attack helicopters with two long wings that have cannons attached underneath. The Thug Leader had his own unmodified Attack-Copter. Ratchet and Clank first fought the copters in Lunar City in Giant Clank form during "Defeat the Thug Leader", where the copters were aiding the Thug Leader's mech. They were later encountered on Snivelak when Ratchet and Clank infiltrated the Thug HQ during "Rescue Angela".

Maxmillian operating his own Attack-Copter.
The Attack-Copters appeared on two occasions in the Secret Agent Clank series featured in Up Your Arsenal. They first appeared inside Holostar Studios during the Terror of Talos section of the "Film a Secret Agent Clank Episode" mission. Giant Clank fought them during his battle with Maxmillian, who had his own Attack-Copter, which appeared at the conclusion of the Secret Agent Clank film.
Attack-copters are vehicles focused entirely on assault, all of which have a blue and purple paint job. There is no room for additional troops; they are operated by a single pilot, a Thugs-4-Less Henchman, who is normally not visible due to the large black cockpit window obscuring the copter's interior, though he can be seen falling out upon destruction of the vehicle. The copters have a two-bladed rotor on top, with no visible tailrotor or stabilizers on the thin tailboom. Both of their wings have a mounted cannon, capable of high-speed fire. They also have what appears to be two thrusters on their rear, beneath the tailboom, but these are never shown to be active. The attack-copters encountered on Dobbo also had a large mounted turret on the bottom, which they used to attack Giant Clank with.
When fighting as Giant Clank, the Attack-Copters do little damage and can be destroyed with simple melee attacks. While the Attack-Copters are not a priority, they should be destroyed nonetheless, as damage from the larger groups of Attack-Copters will add up, making them the most dangerous enemy near the end of the bossfight. They also drop ammunition and Nanotech upon defeat.
When fought as Ratchet on Snivelak, Attack-Copters are a much greater threat, both due to their damage, mobility, attack speed, and range, making them a formidable opponent. It is best to fire at them from a higher range, preferably using something that can target it without much difficulty, allowing you to focus on dodging its attack. The Pulse Rifle is an option, but the Minirocket Tube also serves well. The Plasma Coil and Hoverbomb Gun are also powerful but are unlikely to strike a copter without a direct aim, although the Shield Charger can buy you some time. Final alternatives are the HK22 Gun, Kilonoids, and Megaturret Glove, as they all function well independently when used.