Alpha mods are purchasable weapon modifications in Deadlocked. Alpha mods only improve the existing features of weapons, rather than changing them more drastically like the omega mods. Effects including an improved rate of fire, damage radius, ammo capacity, auto-aim, and exp and bolt gain.
Each weapon comes with a single alpha mod and alpha mod slot, and with each new level gains an extra (fixed) mod and slot, up to the maximum of ten (at V10). From V2 and onwards it is thus possible to mix and match alpha mods. In challenge mode it becomes possible to purchase all types of alpha mods from a DreadZone vendor, with the more expensive mods at prices ranging from three to five million bolts.
You also gain an additional alpha mod for free depending on the difficulty you begin with.
Alpha mods[]
Mod | Price | In-game description |
Speed Mod | 400,000 | Increases the rate of fire. |
Ammo Mod | 300,000 | Increases ammo capacity. |
Aiming Mod | 100,000 | Adds or improves the targeting assist. |
Impact Mod | 200,000 | Adds or improves knockback strength. |
Area Mod | 500,000 | Increases the damage radius for any weapons with area of effect damage. |
XP Mod | 3,000,000 | Increases experience gain from defeated enemies by 50 percent. |
Jackpot Mod | 3,000,000 | Increases the bolts received from defeated enemies by 50 percent. |
Healing Mod NanoLeech Mod |
5,000,000 | Spawn nanotech health orbs from fallen enemies, which last for a short time. |
Gameplay usability[]
Throughout the standard singleplayer campaign of Deadlocked there is little need to actually go and switch alpha mods around between weapons. Improving one weapon means putting lesser quality mods on another, with mods such as the Impact Mod and Aiming Mod providing little actual benefit to most weapons, and the Area and Speed Mod providing substantially more. Switching useful mods on a less-used weapon to another remains a viable strategy. Once alpha mods become available for purchase it becomes viable to customize weapons to personal preference.
Impact Mod[]
The Impact Mod works by causing more knockback onto enemies, which slightly increases the time needed for them to get back up and fight. Stronger weapons already somewhat benefit from this by default as they can already stagger enemies. At most the Impact Mod can be used to knock enemies off of platforms, but it is not possible to stunlock them indefinitely as enemies cannot be knocked back multiple times in a row (it simply won't work right away). It is also useless against turret enemies, the Landstalker, bosses, and does not actually push back aerial enemies.
Aiming Mod[]
The Aiming Mod adds the auto-aim power, or improves it if used multiple times. In reality this mod is applicable to only three weapons; the Dual Vipers, the B6-Obliterator, and The Arbiter. In case of the former and the latter at least one of these is almost mandatory, as without the auto-aim option it forces you to have to accurately aim them mid-combat. The B6-Obliterator is generally exempt as its range and area of effect damage nullifies the need to aim precisely.
Speed Mod[]
The Speed Mod improves the rate of fire for all weapons, making it especially useful for very slow weapons such as the B6-Obliterator, Fusion Rifle, and The Arbiter. All other weapons already have a quick firing or deployment rate, although the Magma Cannon and Scorpion Flail also benefit due to their lower range, allowing them to more quickly destroy the enemies in the more dangerous fights up close. The Speed Mod does not actually work on the Mini Turret Launcher's turrets's firing rate themselves.
Ammo Mod[]
The Ammo Mod increases a weapon's ammunition capacity, and enough Ammo Mods increase the amount of ammo acquired from drops. These two factors work in tandem, allowing preferred weapons to be used more often. These benefits makes the Ammo Mod useful on every weapon, although the ammo-per-drop increase is inconsistent, with some weapons (e.g. Hunter Mine Launcher) benefiting far more than others (e.g. B6-Obliterator).
The highest priority should go to high damage and low ammo weapons like the Fusion Rifle, The Arbiter, and especially The Harbinger, the last of which comes equipped with only Ammo Mods. Weapons like the Dual Vipers, Magma Cannon, and Scorpion Flail also tend to go through theirs very quickly if given the chance.
Area Mod[]
The Area Mod improves the area of effect damage radius, and is one of the most useful alpha mods, but also only applicable to the B6-Obliterator, Scorpion Flail, Hunter Mine Launcher, and The Arbiter. It should be used as much as possible on the aforementioned weapons, as it is the easiest way to hit more enemies with one attack. Comparatively the mod is entirely useless against singular enemies.
Jackpot and XP Mods[]
The Jackpot and XP Mods both increase the rate at which bolts and weapon experience are gained by fifty percent. They are also the rarest and only a few are gained when some weapons reach V10. In challenge mode they also cost three million bolts each, and are the only way to off-set the increase in demand for both bolts and experience. When you have no need for either these mods generally become ineffectual, however.
NanoLeech Mod[]
The NanoLeech Mod, also called the Healing Mod, adds a small chance for enemies to drop nanotech health orbs on death. These orbs are only temporary unlike those from nanotech crates, but do restore the normal amount of health. Essentially every weapon should have one or two of these as they are the only way to manage challenge mode's hardest challenges on the Exterminator difficulty level. As a downside they are incredibly expensive at five million bolts each.