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The agorians are a major species in A Crack in Time. They are a warlike species native to the Polaris Galaxy, with a presence throughout the Breegus System. Agorians test one another in the Agorian Battleplex. Though they have no apparent allegiance to any other faction, they are known for launching unprovoked invasions of lesser races, including fongoids and vullards. Despite this, they have a code of honor, albeit one they have changed at times to suit their needs.


Before A Crack in Time[]

The Intergalactic Society of Evolutionary Biologists deemed agorians the only race in the universe to have stopped evolving, recording no physical or mental changes in all of recorded history.[1]

Having an initiative known as "Humiliate a Weaker Race",[2] the agorians were known for launching frequent and apparently unprovoked invasions. Ten years prior to A Crack in Time,[3] in the Battle of Gimlick Valley, they invaded the fongoid planet Morklon, where agorian commander Lornock Argos defeated fongoid chief Zahn Gribnak in a one-sided battle, an event known as the Battle of Gimlick Valley.[4][a] They had invaded the vullard planet Lumos 117 times[2] (and the planet was known as the galaxy's most frequently-invaded territory[1]).

The agorians at some point set up the Agorian Battleplex, managed by the Agorian Council for Equal-Opportunity Dismemberment, who set prizes and participants.[5][6] When they realized the Battleplex violated their Impenetrable Code of Agorian Honor, they rewrote their bylaws to allow it, leading to the new Semi-Impenetrable Code of Agorian Honor, found in the Hall of Knowledge.[1] They hired terachnoids to help with technical maintenance and planning of the arena battles, due to lacking intelligence themselves.[7]

A number of agorian gladiators were honored in the Battleplex lobby. These included Osiris the Malevolent (slayer of war groks), Ivan the Beautiful (known as a "ladies' man" who was killed after receiving a love letter from Osiris' wife, Donna the Promiscuous), Percy the Incongruous (warrior who died wearing roller skates and a blindfold to battle), and Rogan the Mediocre (warrior who was included only due to nepotism).[7]

A Crack in Time[]

After Captain Qwark grated on the fongoids he kept company with, they told him about the agorians, and their hatred for Dr. Nefarious, paying the agorians to pick Qwark up so Qwark could convince them to fight alongside Ratchet.[8] In trying to befriend them, Qwark described himself as a "thrill-seeking warrior with a thirst for battle", leading them to enter him in the Battleplex tournament, sentencing him to death.[9][10] Ratchet was forced to come to Qwark's rescue and win a tournament in the Battleplex.[11]

Around the Korthos Sector, a gladiator named Ortax the Merciless was ambushed by his rival, Serus the Cheat, hoping to win by forfeit.[12]

The agorians attacked Lumos a 118th time, in an attack speculated to be part of their "Humiliate a Weaker Race".[2] As Ratchet and Alister Azimuth had come to Lumos in search of the Obsidian Eye, they fought off agorian invaders and defended the vullard settlement.

The Battle of Gimlick Valley

The agorians imprisoning Zahn Gribnak at the Battle of Gimlick Valley.

When Ratchet and Clank were exiled to Morklon, they made use of time portals to alter events of the battle. This led to them going back in time to defeat Commander Argos, and ensuring the fongoids had won the battle.

After A Crack in Time[]

About a year after A Crack in Time, Ratchet met an agorian warrior named General Glahm. Around this time, the Agorian Battleplex was destroyed by Artemis Zogg.[13]



Agorians are lizard-like orange humanoid creatures. They have large upper bodies but small legs (although their legs are strong enough to propel them across the battlefield). They are known to be hatched when born and have an organ known as a "glarf-knell".[7] Agorians sometimes have bone spikes growing out of either or both of their shoulders and upper arms.

Agorians have no recorded mental or physical evolution throughout their history.[1] Their legs are known to be underdeveloped,[14] and they are known to be unintelligent.[7]


Agorians are a warlike and apparently primitive race. Outside of their battleplex and its arcade games, little is known about agorian entertainment or culture. They are known to have a code of honor named the Impenetrable Code of Agorian Honor, later rewritten as the Semi-Impenetrable Code of Agorian Honor,[1] though their initiative to invade weaker races unprovoked[2] implies it is not too strict.

Agorians have a few known forms of governing bodies within their society. A notable one is the Agorian Council for Equal-Opportunity Dismemberment, which organizes and moderates battles in the arena battleplex,[1][15][16] albeit with the help of terachnoid statisticians.[7] Another is the Agorian Public Health and Water Slide Department, which advised against using lethal gas in battleplex tournaments (although officials sanctioned its use anyway, suggesting their influence is not too strong).[17]

The agorians have a union named Local Hunter's Union 865, which formally protested Ratchet's involvement in the battleplex (leading to a battle against them),[18] suggesting agorians of certain ranks have labor unions.


Agorian Battleplex screen 2

The lobby of the Agorian Battleplex, with the agorians partaking in arcade games.

Around the battleplex arcade, agorians can be seen consuming large amounts of popcorn and drinks (likely including the Terratrek energy drink that was known to cause brain damage[19]), suggesting many to be lazy and overweight. Otherwise, agorians are seen as particularly aggressive. Among their known acts are killing fellow agorians over romantic disputes,[7] and settling debts by holding the lendee upside down in a bathroom stall on non-payment.[20]

Agorians worked closely with terachnoids, who helped operate the battleplex. They nonetheless mistreated them, allowing war groks to eat them.[7]

Red mist is used by agorians during their assaults and placed on the battlefield in large glass canisters, called mist tanks.[21] The canisters, when broken, will drive closeby agorians berserk for around thirty seconds. When berserk, they can take more damage (approximately 25%) and will be more aggressive (soldiers fire six times in a row, rather than thrice).


Agorian technology includes a small variety of weapons, bombs, robots, and vehicles. Their weaponry includes explosive flails, energy shields, and grenade launchers carried by their warriors. In ground battles, the agorians deploy thrashers and hydra tanks, three-headed robots that help lead their forces. In space, agorians use talon cruisers, as well as a number of starfighters. Given the agorians are known to be lacking mentally and reliant on terachnoids in the battleplex,[7] it is unknown how much of this technology was developed by themselves.

Agorians are not known to use ground vehicles, instead preferring to tame beasts. Notably, their leaders ride agorian beasts in battle, and they also tame war groks.

A notable agorian device is the Glob Lobber, a device used by agorians for a time to anchor their warships in low-gravity.[22]


Destroy the Agorian Riders gameplay

An agorian rider on a battlefield.

In combat, the agorians can be divided into four archetypes: the agorian warrior, which relies on its armblades for lunging melee attacks; the agorian soldier, which relies on its arm-mounted flameshot cannon for projectile attacks; the agorian grenadier, which relies on its arm-mounted grenade launcher to fire timed bombs; and the agorian hunter, which relies on a flail for melee attacks but will prefer to use it for explosive ranged attacks by throwing it in an arc.[b] All agorians can also use a defensive swipe if an enemy gets too close to them.

Both soldiers and grenadiers can appear equipped with exoshields, which are then called agorian phalanxes, which have to be removed with the OmniWrench's kinetic tether. Agorian riders are essentially just hunters mounted on agorian beasts, and do not actually act any different other than relying on their mount for extra height, mobility, and another vector of attacking opponents through the beast's stomps which cause small shockwaves.

Agorian grenadiers only appear within a few Battleplex challenges, and riders only on Lumos and Morklon during specific missions. The other agorian types—warrior, soldier, and hunter—appear in all three locations, as well as several moons throughout the Breegus system.

Early on, the Constructo Pistol is sufficient against lone agorians, with the Constructo Bomb, Sonic Eruptor, and Dynamo of Doom being better against groups. As they get stronger throughout the game, better weapons are required, such as the Plasma Striker for distant targets, and the Negotiator, Spiral of Death, Constructo Shotgun, and Buzz Blades for close encounters. The Rift Inducer 5000 is among the best options, as is the Mag-Net Launcher. Both of these, and some of the previous weapons, have the additional benefit of negating the agorian phalanxes and their exoshields that frequently appear on Morklon and in the Corvus Sector.

Behind the scenes[]

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An agorian warrior skin can be used in A Crack in Time upon collecting sixteen gold bolts. There also is an agorian skin in Full Frontal Assault.



  1. Because the "Humiliate a Weaker Race" initiative was said to have started ten years prior to A Crack in Time—when the Battle of Gimlick Valley occurred—and by Argos—the leader of the battle—it is possible that Morklon was the first world invaded by this initiative.
  2. In the Insomniac Museum is a minigame which also includes agorian blademasters and crushers, which appear to use 'energy blades' and 'atomic clusterbombs'. In practice these are identical to warriors and hunters, and there is no indication their weapon is actually any different than the normal variants.

