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This page is a list of all holo-plan locations in A Crack in Time. There are a total of ten holo-plan pieces hidden in most of the locations, indicated by the square map icon when selecting a planet. Holo-plans are used to ultimately complete the RYNO V.

Holo-plans return from Tools of Destruction. Unlike Tools of Destruction, holo-plans are not hidden in bolt crates, but are just placed around the map instead, usually out of sight. Also unlike Tools of Destruction, they are indicated on the map in the menu provided you possess the Treasure Mapper.

Although the holo-plans can be collected on your own, the Smuggler will assign you the mission "Find the Complete RYNO V Holo-plan" if you ask him about them. This can be done upon returning to the Vela Sector, after completing "Fight Lord Vorselon". Collecting all plans will trigger a message from the Smuggler, assigning you the follow-up mission "Return RYNO V Holo-plan to the Smuggler", which is completed in the Axiom City Spaceport on Terachnos.

Vorselon's warship[]

The first holo-plan is automatically acquired while progressing through Vorselon's warship on the first visit (in "Locate the Detention Wing"). At some point, you need to traverse through a curved hallway, with the holo-plan waiting in the middle. Approaching it will automatically cause it to be picked up.

Torren IV[]

After Explore Vogal Caves

After having acquired the OmniSoaker, return to the gate leading to the Hollow in Torren IV. Look for an oil dispenser to the left of the gate, and use the oil to restore a nearby catapult. Launch from the catapult, and you will land right on top of a holo-plan.


After clearing the Nefarious Troopers within Axiom City's spaceport, look for a doorway on the southeastern side that was previously blocked by an electric fence. Cross the gap with the Swingshot, ignore the Zoni here for now, and then cross the second gap to reach a lone platform with the holo-plan in front of a massive crate.


The holo-plan on Lumos is hidden behind a small vault door located up high in the vullard settlement of Krell Canyon. Move to the east of the Canyon and face south until you are in front of a large stone ramp. Follow its path upwards, curving to the right (heading west), and across a pair of mid-air accelerator ramps. Ride the grind rail that follows next, and take the left ramp at the split up ahead, leading to another longer grind rail. At the end, you must jump across a series of accelerator ramps high in the air, until finally reaching a kick pad that will launch you to a rock plateau. Look for a lone battery bot wandering around here, capture it, and throw it into the battery socket next to a vault door embedded in the rock wall to find the holo-plan inside.


Prior to entering the Tombli Outpost Security Station, turn right and follow the wall to a large cliff attached to the station. Long jump onto the cliff plateau with the hoverboots to reach the holo-plan lying on top.

Agorian Battleplex[]

Two holo-plans are won as prizes in the Agorian Battleplex. One is acquired upon completing "Death From Above" in the Bronze Cup, and another for completing "Toxic Engagement" in the Raritanium Cup.


Another holo-plan is hidden within the Valkyrie Citadel on Vapedia. After clearing the third training room, with the glass floor and the battery bots, take the middle door leading outwards from the citadel to an unmarked bridge and platform. This slightly hidden area contains a gold bolt in plain sight, but also a holo-plan hidden behind the platform's tower.


The ninth holo-plan piece is located atop Gimlick Valley's Erundai Floodgate, in the present after completing "Defeat Commander Argos!". Use the OmniSoaker on the nearby water and use it to fill up a hydroplant in the northeast. Use that plant to jump onto the lower area of the Floodgate to grab the holo-plan.

Nefarious Space Station[]

The final holo-plan piece is located on the Nefarious Space Station, but is only accessible after returning there for "Confront and Destroy Dr. Nefarious". Precisely, it is located on the backside of a large rock formation with purple plant life covering it. The rock formation is to the left of the ledge that leads to Dr. Nefarious and Lawrence's ship.
