This page is a list of all gold bolt locations in A Crack in Time. There are a total of forty gold bolts hidden in most locations, including various moons in the space sectors. The majority of them are accessible on the first visit, although several bolts can only be acquired after revisiting the location later. Collecting them will unlock skins for Ratchet in the Extras menu.
Collecting all gold bolts in will unlock the silver trophy Bolt Collector.
Location | Gold bolts |
Zolar Forest, Quantos | 4 |
Phylax Sector | 2 |
Torren IV, Molonoth Fields | 3 |
Vela Sector | 4 |
Terachnos, Axiom City | 2 |
Lumos, Krell Canyon | 5 |
Korthos Sector | 1 |
Agorian Battleplex | 2 |
Zanifar, Tombli Outpost | 1 |
Bernilius Sector | 2 |
Vapedia, Valkyrie Citadel | 3 |
Morklon, Gimlick Valley | 1 |
Corvus Sector | 2 |
Great Clock: Sector One | 1 |
Great Clock: Sector Two | 2 |
Great Clock: Sector Three | 2 |
Great Clock: Sector Four | 3 |
During "Locate the Missing Children", in the area with shallow waters and several zyphoids, look for a massive crate on a ledge. Behind it is a hidden path to a gold bolt.
There is a gold bolt to the right of the stone stairs leading to the Temple of Zahn, on the side of the temple.
- After "Use the Zoni to Repair Aphelion"
After repairing Aphelion with the three Zoni, look for a path to the side where flames used to be. Destroy the bolt crates in your way to find a gold bolt.
- After "Master the Hoverboots"
After acquiring the hoverboots, return to Zolar Forest and follow the path up to the first river. On the right is a stone ramp with an accelerator that will launch you to a small platform with the bolt on the other side.
Phylax Sector[]
There is a gold bolt hidden inside a shallow crater on Phylax Alpha, marked on the radar with a grey dot.
Destroying all fifty Microdrones on Phylax Sigma will reward you with a gold bolt.
Vela Sector[]
On Vela Alpha, take the right path at the first split to quickly reach a gold bolt.
You can find another gold bolt on Vela Gamma, in a crater close to the landing pad. Keep Aphelion at your rear. It is indicated by a gray dot on the radar, similar to the vullards wandering around.
Destroying all fifty zyphoids on Vela Tau will reward you with a gold bolt.
- After "Master the Hoverboots"
On Vela Beta, after using the first pair of kick pads to reach a higher platform, stop and turn to the right. Look down the edge to spot a lone structure and glide down to it to find a gold bolt inside.
Torren IV[]
- After "Master the Hoverboots"
Return to the entrance to Volgram Pass and jump down to find a gold bolt nestled between the rock plateaus in the center of this lower area.
Return to the hoverboot exam course. After passing the first set of kick pads, look on the left side of the platform you land on. The Gold Bolt is beyond the compactors, inside a fire pit.
- After "Fix Time across the Universe!"
After repairing Torren IV's time anomalies in the relevant planet room as Clank, return to Torren IV as Ratchet and acquire the last gold bolt on a ledge near the ship.
- After "Destroy the VX-99"
Return to Pollyx Industries after destroying the VX-99. Go all the way to the end and continue into another room past where a cutscene took place. You can spot the gold bolt upon entering and only need to avoid the lasers to take it.
- After "Fix Time across the Universe!"
After repairing Terachnos' time anomalies in the relevant planet room as Clank, return to Terachnos as Ratchet and take a taxi to Neurox Plaza. Step into the center of the largest fountain to be catapulted directly into the gold bolt.
Korthos Sector[]
On Korthos Alpha, head northeast from the Aphelion, past the large hill and look for the gold bolt inside a small crater behind it.
After raising the bridge at the start, look for a gold bolt on a ledge to the left. Use the hoverboots and boost yourself across the gap to reach it.
On the eastern side of Krell Canyon is a large natural ramp (where you can or could normally find a Zoni). Head up, then jump off and land onto the ramp on your left. Use this to reach the gold bolt on a plateau at the end, on the eastern side again.
Return to the same ramp and this time follow it until you reach a split in the path. Head right to reach a gold bolt at the end, on a small ledge.
- After "Explore Vogal Caves"
After acquiring the OmniSoaker, return to the Odin Caves and acquire some Breegus nectar from the first Breegus worm root. Shoot it on the voltan ivy close to the first tetramite nest, then enter the area behind it to find a gold bolt.
Up ahead from the first nest, directly prior to the second, is a dried-up hydroplant next to a creek. Use the water to fill it up with the OmniSoaker, then use it to reach the gold bolt above the waterfall next to it.
Agorian Battleplex[]
Two gold bolts can be acquired in the Agorian Battleplex. One is awarded by completing "Gone in 60 Seconds" in the Silver Cup, and another by winning the "Untouchable" challenge in the Gold Cup.
After helping the Fongoid Farmer in the present, you must use the hoverboots to reach a lone platform with a spring pad. Ignore the oil derrick in front of you upon using the pad, and instead turn around and glide down to a larger one behind you. The gold bolt is at the right end of the path.
Bernilius Sector[]
One gold bolt can be found on Bernilius Alpha. Make your way to the series of orbiting platforms and wait for yours to pass over a lone platform with a gold bolt at sea level. The radar will indicate when you are above it, and you can glide to correct your course when falling.
Another gold bolt can be found on Bernilius Gamma. On the platform with the second meteor pad, look down to spot a small island with the bolt and a teleporter back to the landing pad.
After lubricating the rusted hover bolt and using it to reach a nearby set of kick pads, stop once you hit the second pad. Drop down here and walk around the nearby boulders to find a set of versa-targets to another island. Defeat the local zyphoid and anthropods to find a gold bolt at the end of the path.
At the start of the island where you first encounter the valkyries, turn left and use the Swingshot to reach a gold bolt on a lone island in the distance.
After surviving the second training course, with the battery bots and the glass floor, look around the chamber for a closer door. As soon as you approach the door, it will open. Then, follow the path to retrieve the gold bolt.
- After "Defeat Commander Argos!"
After defeating Commander Argos and returning to Gimlick Valley in the present, look for the only gold bolt here in the south, past the river and up on a few short ledges.
Corvus Sector[]
The gold bolt on Corvus Beta is situated on a rectangle-shaped platform, somewhat to the south of the landing pad. While riding one of the high orbiting platforms, wait for it to pass above the gold bolt and jump down, then glide towards it.
Destroying all 35 agorian hunters on Corvus Sigma will reward you with a gold bolt.
Great Clock: Sector One[]
- After "Unlock Clank's Memory Banks"
This gold bolt requires you to return to Sector One of the Great Clock with the Chronoscepter in your possession. Follow the linear path until you reach the large planet room, then approach the Jasindu planet and fix its time anomalies. This will make a series of platforms appear, leading to a gold bolt.
Great Clock: Sector Two[]
At the start of the level, before climbing the floating platforms to the first temporal recording puzzle, look to the right along the edge of the platform for a gold bolt.
Enter the mnemonic station to start an optional puzzle, with a gold bolt as a reward.
- Use one recording to press all three buttons on the platforms behind the pads; only the highest middle button needs to be pressed for a few seconds. You do not need to use the turrets or wheel platforms to get around. However, if you do decide to use them, your total time will be close to the limit.
- Now use a second recording to press a button inside the first glass cylinder to be opened.
- Use a third recording to press the button inside the second cylinder, on the highest platform, which opens the cylinder near the exit gate and Time Pads. Quickly exit again before the first recording accidentally locks you inside, and press the button inside the last cylinder to be opened by the first recording.
- Use the fourth recording to press the button inside the cylinder opened by the third recording.
- Use the first recording and re-record all the same actions as closely as possible, ensuring none of the other recordings fail, and wait for them all to stand on their respective buttons. Then walk through the exit gate and grab the gold bolt before time runs out.
Great Clock: Sector Three[]
Enter the mnemonic station to start an optional puzzle, with a gold bolt as a reward.
- Use your first recording to stand on the nearby button.
- Use the second to stand on the second button inside the first glass cylinder.
- Use the third to stand on the third button inside the second cylinder.
- Use the fourth to stand on the fourth button inside the final cylinder, closest to the exit gate.
- Re-record the third, repeating your actions, and exit the cylinder as soon as the fourth is inside his own, then stand on the button close to your left.
- Re-record the second, repeating your actions, and exit the cylinder as soon as the third has left his own, then use the platforms revealed by its actions to stand on the lone button at the end.
- Re-record the first recording, repeating your actions, and leave the button as soon as the second has left his own, then stand on the lone button behind their cylinder, revealing another set of platforms.
- Re-record the third recording, repeating all of its previous actions, and use the set of platforms revealed by the first to stand on another lone button akin to the second.
- Re-record the first recording for a final time, repeating its previous actions, and quickly head through the exit gate once the third recording has jumped off the final platform.
After clearing the second temporal recording puzzle and exiting the chamber, stick to the right and approach the corner. This will cause a platform to appear, which leads to a gold bolt.
Great Clock: Sector Four[]
At the start of the area, jump onto the first spinning series of platforms. Throw a Time Bomb on the second set, then glide down to the bolt.
Enter the mnemonic station to start an optional puzzle, with a gold bolt as a reward.
- Use your first (blue) recording and stand on the left button for around eight seconds, followed by standing on the right for another eight seconds. Continue and stand on the second right button (next to a Time Pad) for a second, then cross the central spinning wheel with a Time Bomb and stand on the second left button for another second. Move to the final button in front of the exit gate and end the recording there.
- Use your second (red) recording and quickly ascend up the nearby platforms revealed by the first. Make your way to the nearby cylinder and wait for the first recording to open it, then go inside.
- Use your third (yellow) recording to ascend up the nearby platforms, akin to the second on the opposite side, and enter the first glass cylinder you come across once the first recording opens it.
- Use your fourth (green) recording to follow the third one and proceed to the second cylinder past the turret platform. Wait for the first recording to open it, then enter.
- Re-record the first recording, repeating all of its actions in time to ensure none of the others fail. If done successfully, they will all stand on the right buttons, allowing you to grab the final gold bolt.
After finishing the final temporal recording puzzle, and on your way to the Orvus Chamber, move to the right of the ledge to reveal a lone platform. Keep moving in this direction to reveal more platforms and reach the Fastoon planet room. Repair time here to unlock the final gold bolt.