Ratchet & Clank Wiki
Ratchet & Clank Wiki

This page lists the controls for A Crack in Time. Released on the PlayStation 3 in October 2009, the game uses the standard DualShock controller.


Ratchet is the main playable character. There are three settings for Ratchet's controls, toggled in the options menu. Classic and Default both use the most common controls across the series, with Default's only difference being that it automatically locks you into strafing when you are firing a weapon. Shooter is the standard lock-strafe mode, with the added ability to use the right analog stick to aim the reticule, forgoing auto-aim entirely. Shooter mode's controls also swap the look mode button from L1 to L2 and let you use the former to jump alongside X.

Name Controls Effect
Move character Left analog stick Move the player character around.
Move camera Right analog stick Move the camera around.
Jump X Jump once.
Double jump X + X Jump twice in the air for extra height.
Wall jump X (while jumping towards a wall) + X Bounce off from wall.
Glide X (hold after double jump) Glide slowly in the air.
Swing OmniWrench Square Swing OmniWrench in front of player to attack.
Grab object with OmniWrench Square (near suitable object) Pick up object with OmniWrench.
Look mode L1 + Right analog stick Toggle look mode.
Shoot R1 / Circle Fire equipped weapon.
Use Swingshot Circle (when jumping near Swingshot target) Use Swingshot to latch onto target.
Interact Triangle (when trigger is available) Interact with character or object when prompted.
Toggle weapon Triangle (tap) Toggle between last weapon equipped.
Quick select Triangle (hold) Show quick select menu.
Switch quick select rings Triangle + L1 / R1 Switch between quick select menu rings.
Drop from ledge R2 (tap) Drop down from ledge player character is holding onto.
High jump R2 + X Use the Heli-Pack to make a high jump.
Long jump Left analog stick + R2 + X Use the Heli-Pack to make a long jump forward.
Hyper-strike X + Square Jump in the air, strike the OmniWrench down to attack below, dealing more damage.
Ready OmniWrench R2 Hold OmniWrench ready to throw.
Comet-strike R2 + Square Throw the OmniWrench forward for a brief time, dealing damage or breaking objects, before it returns to player character.
Kinetic tether R2 + Square + Left analog stick / Right analog stick to move object Throw the OmniWrench forward to latch onto a kinetic tether when prompted, then move the object around as desired.
Use gadget D-pad Equip acquired gadget.
Boost hoverboots speed R2 (with hoverboots equipped) Accelerate forward with hoverboots.
Strafe L2 + Left analog stick Strafe.
Pause Start Pause game, entering pause menu.
Map screen / planetoid view Select View map, or view planetoid.


Clank is controlled on several occasions in the Great Clock.

Name Controls Effect
Move character Left analog stick Move the player character around.
Move camera Right analog stick Move the camera around.
Punch / Swing Chronoscepter Square Throw a punch forward, or attack by swinging the Chronoscepter forward once equipped.
Chronoscepter combo Square + Square + Square Swing the Chronoscepter three times to perform a combo.
Downwards slam X + Square Jump in the air, strike the Chronoscepter down to attack below, dealing damage in an area.
Strafe L2 + Left analog stick Strafe.
Jump X Jump once.
Glide X + X (hold) Glide slowly in the air.
Heli-Pack boost X + X (up to three) While in midair, activate Heli-Pack to jump again and increase the height and length of the jump, up to three times.
Time pad command menu Triangle + Left analog stick (while on time pad) Set temporal recording commands for the time pad.
Time Bomb R1 / Circle Throw a Time Bomb.
Look mode L1 + Right analog stick Toggle look mode.
Pause Start Pause game, entering pause menu.
Map screen Select View map.


Aphelion is controlled during all space segments. Some controls require specific upgrades unlocked only by collecting enough Zoni.

Name Controls Effect
Steer Left analog stick Control the direction of Aphelion.
Barrel roll / reverse move Right analog stick Perform a barrel roll when moved left or right, or reverse when moved backwards.
Land Triangle (near landing position) Land the Aphelion on a landing pad, or in a location.
Weapon select wheel Triangle (hold) Select blaster or missile weapon.
Fire blasters R1 / Circle Fire equipped blaster weapon.
Charge and fire missiles L1 / Square Hold to lock onto targets, release to fire equipped missile weapon.
Ship Tether Square Use the Ship Tether to grab other objects and ships.
Boost R2 Boost and accelerate speed.
Shield L2 Use shield for a brief period of time.
Change radio station D-pad Control the space radio station.
Pause Start Pause game, entering pause menu.
Map screen Select View map.

Fusion turret[]

Fusion turrets can be controlled by the player on a few occasions, including a Vullard fusion turret on Lumos, in the Agorian Battleplex, and in Vorselon's warship's hangar.

Name Controls Effect
Aim Left analog stick / Right analog stick Move the turret's reticle.
Fire blasters R1 / Circle Fire blaster weapon, hold for repeated fire, causes the turret to overheat if held for too long
Charge and fire missiles L1 / Square Hold to lock onto targets, release to fire missiles.
Enter / Exit Triangle Enter or leave the fusion turret.
Pause Start Pause game, entering pause menu.
Map screen Select View map.

My Blaster Runs Hot[]

The game My Blaster Runs Hot can be played in the Agorian Battleplex. It is a two-dimensional top-down arcade game in which the player controls Captain Qwark, with an option for a second player to control Rusty Pete.

Name Controls Effect
Move character Left analog stick Move the player character anywhere on the screen.
Aim Right analog stick Aim the blaster in a direction.
Shoot R1 Fire blaster weapon, hold for repeated fire. If held for too long, the weapon will overheat; releasing after overheating will fire a large blast in the direction the gun was pointed.
Pause Start Pause game, entering pause menu.

Dr. Nefarious hologuise[]

During "Destroy Dr. Nefarious' Armada" Ratchet will make use of a hologuise based on Dr. Nefarious, with most of the default controls changed. After completing the mission the controls will revert to Ratchet's standard controls, although the Heli-Pack cannot be used.

Name Controls Effect
Call Lawrence Triangle Request Lawrence to appear in a nearby hologram, allowing the player to communicate with him and give dialogue commands.
Move Minion Square Causes a minion to move position.
Punish Minion Circle Punishes a minion, either by destroying them with a laser above if they are a robot, or teleporting them away for questioning if they are a terachnoid.
Make Minion dance X Causes nearby minion to dance and plays music, as if the Groovitron had been used.