Since past I did be I used to it with Rivet she may be a fun female version of Ratchet be friends
Since past I did be I used to it with Rivet she may be a fun female version of Ratchet be friends
If Ratchet and Talwyn kiss at end game to find Lombax and Max
Good question I guess she’s okay to me
If Lombax as evil verson of Ratchet
It be awesome to work together with Peter Miles Mary Jane Ratchet Clank and Talwyn
Wonder be question what under Captain Qwark mask if he half Markazian or half human half Aliens with 3 fingers
My bad
When did you find it?
This will be interesting game working together with Ratchet Clank and Talwyn to find Lombaxs and Max could be alive somewhere and I hope so if couples get kiss together Rivet Will be proud of him with Talwyn
Ps2 and ps3
I wonder if Talwyn go with Ratchet and Clank to find Lombax and Max together it be new villain if someone tell Ratchet about his parents and his real name too to play as Talwyn
It head to read lombax
I can't wait to meets James and David as Ratchet and Clank
If make Ratchet Clank and Talwyn to find max
Ratchet: I love you
Talwyn: I know
Happy Star Wars day May the 4th be with you (Australian got different time)